Sunday, November 03, 2013

Where's Jeremy (2013) - Introduction

This is post #1 in Where’s Jeremy (2013)

Almost all of 2013 has flown by with only a scant few blog writings from yours truly. Where has Jeremy been, you ask?

The short story is: working. And working. And working some more. As a result, I was extremely unhappy with my life. I'm writing this series of blog posts to help decompress. And also as a slap-in-the-face reminder to my future self, who might feel a little arrogant and once again think I can take on all the things.

The longer story has become a novella, and so I’ve broken it into a number of upcoming posts: (hyperlinks will be added as each post is published)

Part 1: A logistical summary

Part 2: Cray

Part 3: Samaritan Casting

Part 4: Emotional reflections, lessons learned, and "what's next?"

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